Mama’s Got a Whole New Bag

There’s a much more substantial update coming in the next few days, but here’s the lowdown on the last year in my life: Life Happened. Not long after I launched my Patreon, my mother died unexpectedly (not from COVID) and I moved from my first studio space to a new (much better!) building. This derailed… Continue reading Mama’s Got a Whole New Bag

New Year, New Studio, New Patreon!

Morning, all! In this time of pivots and changes, here comes another one: I’m taking my passion for crafting and art semi-pro! [Update, January 2022 – the Patreon model didn’t work, so I’m going for a more traditional Etsy store. See next post for details!] Today I launch my Patreon for Works from the… Continue reading New Year, New Studio, New Patreon!